Faculty Development Programme
Faculty Development programs help in enhancing the pedagogical knowledge and technical skills of our faculty. This helps them explore advanced ways of teaching and keep themselves updated with the latest technological developments.
Theory of computation
Introduces the foundations of automata theory, computability theory, and complexity theory. Addresses the issue of which problems can be solved by computational means and Introduces concepts related to the computational complexity of problems.
Cloud Computing
The course covers fundamental cloud computing principles and features hands-on practice using AWS, the leading cloud service provider. By the end of this course you’ll be able to navigate AWS services in the console, store data on an S3 storage bucket, launch a virtual machine, and create a server less application.
Machine Learning
Machine learning lets us find patterns and create mathematical models for things that would sometimes be impossible for humans to do. The course focuses on the nuances of the machine learning algorithms, how they work mathematically, and how to implement them using a programming language.
Data Science
Data science seeks to find patterns in data and use those patterns to predict future data. It draws on machine learning to process large amounts of data, discover patterns, and predict trends. From the programming perspective, the course focuses on Python and R programming.