Revatthy Krishnamurthy


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Academic Domain: Digital Image Processing, Cloud Computing, DataBase management

Revatthy Krishnamurthy has over 16 years of teaching expertise in myriad domains including Data Mining. Prior to joining MIIT, she was associated with St. Joseph College of Engineering, Mohammed Sathak College of Arts & Science and Dr. M.G.R Educational and Research Institute. A humble and amicable persona, whose passion to teach and learn corroborates her zeal towards gaining knowledge.


M.C.A., M.Phil, M.Tech., Ph.D.,


16 Years

Subject Expertise

Data Mining, Oracle, Python Programming, R Programming language, MATLAB, Weka Software, Artificial Intelligence &Export Systems, e-Commerce, C, C++, Java, VB.Net, Data Structures, Computer Graphics, Software Engineering, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Unix, Linux, Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Software Project Management, Web Page Designing, Database Management Systems, Cloud Computing.


Data Mining, Database Management Systems, Cloud Computing, and MATLAB.

Papers Published in Journals

1. Revatthy Krishnamurthy, “Crime Data Analysis Using Data Mining Techniques for Crime Detection and Prevention”, Design Engineering, ISSN: 0011-9342, issue:6, pp 893-899, June 2021(SCOPUS)

2. Chapter Publication in “Cloud Computing with Wireless Network and Pattern Recognition” Book, ISBN Number 978-81-952585-3-6, May 2021.

3. Revatthy Krishnamurthy, “Image Processing-based Lung Tumor-Detection and Classification using 3D Micro-Calcification of CT Images”, ISSN:0975-3583, 0976-2833 vol.12, Issues, March 2021(SCOPUS).

4. Revatthy Krishnamurthy, E.Chandra,“Development of An Efficient Attribute Weighted Fuzzy Clustering and Optimization using Genetic Algorithm for Crime Application”, International journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,vol.118, ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version) (SCOPUS).

5. Revatthy Krishnamurthy, J.Satheesh Kumar, “Influence of Genetic Algorithm for similarity subset analysis in Crime Domain”, IJAER, pp.5033-5036, 9(21), 2015, ISSN : 0973-4562 (SCOPUS).

6. Revatthy Krishnamurthy, J.SatheeshKumar, “An Attribute Weighted Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm For Mixed Crime Data”, INDJST,vol9(8),pp.1-7,Feb 2016(SCOPUS)

7. Revatthy Krishnamurthy, J.Satheesh Kumar, “Survey of Data mining techniques on Crime Data Analysis”,
IJDMTA, vol.1,Issue 2, pp. 117-120, ISSN:2278-2419,2012.

8. Revatthy Krishnamurthy, J.Satheesh Kumar, “Data mining techniques on Crime Data and its applications”, Proc. of NCRACS2012, 2012.

9. Revatthy Krishnamurthy, N.Rama, “Digital Crime Investigation”, Proc. of ICDA, 2008.
10. Revatthy Krishnamurthy, K.P.Kaliyamurthie, “Survey of One-time signature schemes on cloud computing”,IJIRCCE,vol.3,Issue 4,April 2015,ISSN(online): 2320-9801.

11. Revatthy Krishnamurthy, K.P.Kaliyamurthie,”Verification of Authorized Auditing accuracy using Genchallenge method”, IJIRCCE,vol.3,Issue 4,April 2015,ISSN(online): 2320-9801.

Conferences Attended


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