
Associate Professor

[email protected]

Academic Domain:Data Mining and DataWarehousing, Cloud Computing.

Revathi has over 9 years of teaching expertise in numerous domains including Data Mining And DataWarehouse. Prior to joining MIIT, she was assistant with Varuvan Vedivelan Institute Of Technology,Sivagamiammal Arts And Science College , Mohammed Sathak College of Arts & Science. A humble and friendly person, whose enthusiasm to teach and learn corroborates her zeal towards gaining knowledge.




9 years

Subject Expertise

Data Mining, Oracle, R Programming language, Weka Software, e-Commerce, C, C++, Java, VB.Net, Data Structures, Software Engineering, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Database Management Systems, Cloud Computing, Machine


Data Mining and DataWarehousing, Cloud Computing.

Papers Published in Journals
  • Dr.M.Revathi,Dr.M.Rahimal Beevi,K.Mainuddin Ahamed,”A review of patch –adaptive approximation (pasa) using image processing”International journal of Analytical and experimental Model Analysis Jan 2020.
  • Dr.M.Revathi “A NOVEL PULMONARY DISDEASE PREDICTIO TECHNIQUE-A REVIEW STUDY”International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS) Issue 06, June 2017 ISSN: 2393-9842, Volume 4 ,Elsevier Indexed.Impact Factor 1.81.
  • M.Revathi & Dr.K.Arthi “A HYBRID PARADIGM OF ARTIFICIAL IMMUNE SYSTEMS WITH FUZZY COGNITIVE MAPS FOR CLASSIFICATION OF LEARNING DISABLED DATASETS” Journal Of Engineering and Applied Sciences(ARPN) No.7 APRIL 2015 ISSN 1819-6608, Volume 10.Scopus Indexed. Impact Factor 0.4621.
    ENHANCED APPROACH OF ARTIFICIAL IMMUNE RECOGNITION SYSTEM” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) scopus indexed Impact Factor : 1.8233.
  • M.Revathi & Dr.K.Arthi “ CLASSIFICATION OF LEARNING DISABILITIES USING MODIFIED ARTIFICIAL IMMUNE RECOGNITION SYSTEM ALGORITHM” Second International Conference on Innovations in Contemporary IT Research Vol II February 2015 ISBN No: 978-93-81899-03-8 , Volume 2. Indian Journal of Science and Technology(IJST)(scopus indexed )
  • M.Revathi & Dr.k.Arthi “A Comparative study on Classification of Learning Disability Using Soft Computing with AIS Techniques” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN ADVANCED ENGINEERING 2014JYCS10123 Volume 1,Issue 12 December 2014 IMPACT FACTOR:1.311.
  • M.Revathi & Dr.K.Arthi “Application of Artificial Immune System Algorithms in dataset Classification “ INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN ADVANCED ENGINEERING (IJIRAE) 2014JYCS10123 Volume 1,Issue 6 July 2014 IMPACT FACTOR:1.311.
  • M.Revathi & Dr.K.Arthi Fuzzy Cognitive Maps- A Review Study 3 rd International Conference On Intelligent Information Systems and Management(IISM’12) ISBN No. : 978- 93- 80716-96-1 2012, 12-14 July.
Conferences Attended


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